Campus Preparation Tool

Exclusively for LNCT students

Best material to face any challenge

Our tool contains all the important topics with solved examples to get you detailed knowledge and then the practice sheets to judge whatever you have learned.

Prepare any time, any where its available 24 x 7

Company Specific Papers to bring the best result

Get higher chances of selection when you aim for a specific company with our exclusive test series which contains expected pattern of question for the drive.

A great initiative by college for students

College management is concered about the future of students and hence identified this tested tool from market to give students the best opportunity for learning.

Register yourself in just few mins..
First Name
Last Name
Mobile [Without +91 or 0]
Enrollment No.
College Name [auto]
or type name if not found

General Instructions:

  • All the fields are mandatory to fill.
  • You can only have 1 Account against your enrollment number.
  • Your account can be verified any time for data accuracy, if any account found having incorrect details then that account will be permanently blocked.
  • For Engineering colleges in Madhya Pradesh the college name will appear automatically as soon as you have entered your enrollment number.
  • In case your name is not displayed, so you can type your college name manually.
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